Dream & Believe, Strive & Succeed
Our Values & Vision
At Rangeway Primary School, we turn challenges into opportunities and focus on developing academic improvement and social and emotional wellbeing of our students.
Rangeway Primary School will provide a quality education in a caring and supportive learning environment that enables all students to become life long learners who contribute positively to society.
Our Artwork
This design is a reflection of the ambition we have here at Rangeway Primary School. The two journeys coming together are representing both the influence of our educators and the influence and input of the parents and carers for our students. Traditionally, handprints represent belonging. By having two pairs, we are demonstrating that we ALL belong here and we are all working together. Both journeys meet in the centre, symbolising our school. The centre starts as a yarning circle to symbolise learning and the educational focus point of schooling. The students around the yarning circle, grow from juniors, to intermediate and to seniors - forming a nest with a protective layer to represent school being a safe place.
The red, orange and yellow hills coming in from the south are symbolised with warm colours. The traditional symbol for hills/rainbows also represents happiness and joy. The cool colours - blue, aqua and green flowing in from the north is representing water, reflecting our abilities to adapt and also the perseverance and resilience that is innate to the culture of our school. Both equally valued and interconnected – Both required for prosperity.
The flowers at the bottom of the design are to represent growth and change. Sometimes in order to grow, change is required. It is about changing the environment to make sure we get the best possible growth for our student, our families, our staff and for our school. The traditional stars above the design are symbolising the aspirations within our school. Everybody has their own hopes and dreams they are working towards. As educators, it is our role to help shape our students into becoming global citizens and by doing so, we need to lead by example – by following our own dreams and helping each other to reach our full potentials.
Nganju Walgajunmanha Birli-We are all working together.

Rangeway Primary School is an Independent Public School located in the regional town of Geraldton, Western Australia.
We run classes from Kindergarten to Year 6.
“Dream and believe, strive and succeed” underpins the school’s approach to Aboriginal Education. With the community actively involved in the school, Aboriginal culture is honoured and celebrated. Students attend school and achieve well – and the school consistently performs beyond expectations.
Rangeway Primary School

This year’s leavers shirt design was created with the aspirations of our students. We came together and discussed what they value and dream for in their future, as they prepare to finish their primary school journey and begin their high school journey.
The students came up with these core values: Culture, Family, Friends, Nature/Land, Food, Elders, Education, Animals, Home, and Ocean/Water.
This year we have signified the Minjin - Mountain Devil/Thorny Devil as the animal of the 2024 Leavers shirt. It is believed the minjin carries ochre in a pouch on the back of its neck and wanders the land leaving ochre along the way. Ochre was traditionally used in ceremonies. However, we have used the blue colours to represent our school and the importance that primary education has on influencing us in who we become, and to demonstrate our school pride.
The minjin is a small but mighty lizard, that symbolises resilience and uniqueness. The “false head” on the back of the minjin’s neck is a good reminder that sometimes we need to put on a brave face to get through difficult situations, and it’s spikey exterior is a good way of expressing that your value doesn’t decrease because of your appearance or experiences. The minjin is an iconic midwest/yamaji country animal, the rarity makes them even more legendary.
The story we created behind the minjin includes the core values that our students suggested above. From the bottom of the design, there is an abundance of ant nests beneath the land, to emphasise that culture lies beneath the surface - within the land and continues to nourish Aboriginal people. The rugged line is there to represent the land on which the minjin wanders and reflects resilience.
The minga (ants) are symbolising food and the hope for prosperity for all our students’ futures. Above the minga, we have hills to represent happiness. We want to encourage our students to always prioritise their mental health. The larger, more prominent arches are to signify the important role our elders have in our lives and the value and knowledge they share.
The footprints are to remind our students that their journey is theirs, and to be mindful of the pathways they choose to take. The yarning circles are to symbolise family and friends in different discourses, joined by the fluidity of waves. This represents our connections to each other and the connection our students have to the waters around our home.
Finished with the six hands across the top to acknowledge the conclusion of the 6th year of primary school, also to assure our students place and belonging at Rangeway Primary School.
Leavers shirt

Our Facilities
Rangeway PS selected an Early Childhood Centre as part of the Building Education Revolution program. This building houses the Kindergarten and Pre-Primary classrooms which are purpose built with kitchens. Each K and PP classroom has an interactive whiteboard and also zoned areas for the Speech and Occupational Therapy programs.
All classrooms have an interactive whiteboard which are used daily as part of the teaching and learning program. Additionally desktop computers are located for classroom use in the school library.
The school has purchased iPads which are used from Kindergarten upwards to enhance the teaching and learning programs.
A dental therapy centre servicing the Geraldton region is located on site at Rangeway PS. Students come from various Geraldton schools to receive treatment.

Quick Links
2024 Term Dates

Term 4
Students commence - Tuesday 8 October
Last day of term - Thursday 12 December
2025 Term Dates
Term 1
Students commence - Wednesday 5 February
Last Day of term - Friday 11 April
Term 2
Students commence - Tuesday 29 April
Last day of term - Friday 4 July
Term 3
Students commence - Tuesday 22 July
Last day of term - Friday 26 September
Term 4
Students commence - Tuesday 14 October
Last day of term - Thursday 18 December
Rangeway Primary School
4 Cassia Street, Rangeway WA 6530
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm
Closed School Holidays
Rangeway Primary School P&C Association Canteen
Open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Open for orders and purchases before school and at lunch
Afternoon Recess-preorder only
Dental Therapy Centre (08) 9921 4373
Administration Staff
Principal - Karin van Dongen
Deputy Principal - Justine Bell
Manager of Corporate Services -
Narelle Cocking
Monday, Thursday Friday
Melissa Condon
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
​School Officer - Lisa Mardon
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
School Officer - Tara Lane
Thursday & Friday